In 'Human, Too Human', Nietzsche says:
"The first thought of the day might be: Who do you want to please today?"
It's all very silly, but it can change the whole course of your life.
Yes, being generous is not a diktat, it is a loyalty to life.
Alexandre Jollien in the programme "Sept à Huit" of 16.01.2022
It all started in April 2019, during my second trip to Maasai land. I had packed pencil cases with coloured pencils and pens for each one of Koitamet's children and paper for Sabore who didn't yet go to school so that he could draw.
When Koitamet saw my pack of 100 sheets, he immediately told me that we couldn't keep it to ourselves, but that we had to take it to school.
So we did, and what a surprise it was when I discovered that the director had tears in her eyes and kept thanking me for a few simple pieces of paper.
I promised her i would also bring some cards to decorate the classrooms. That's when the idea of the association started to take shape.
Namelok Farm Association got off to a good start and since then we have already brought more than 300 kg of notebooks to 5 schools, pencils, pens, erasers, etc., which bring joy to the students and relief to the teachers.
We are an association founded in August 2019 on the heights of Morges in Switzerland and have the following purposes :
- support for schools through the purchase of school equipment, furniture, the creation of canteens, the construction of dry toilets and other needs
- sponsorship of children so that they can go to school
- the development of a project around artemisia, a medicinal plant used to treat malaria
- access to clean water for every school and family through water purifiers
- any other project allowing the establishment of the association in Kenya as well as assistance to the population around Naikarra
The Association also aims at making the maasai culture, traditions and wisdom know in Switzerland, France and Belgium, to communicate on their way of life and, if necessary, to defend them.
Namelok Farm association is twinned with Namelok Camp Association. It was registered in Kenya in November 2019 and obviously pursues the same goals.
Maud Ankaoua, a dear friend of Karine Nanyorri, has gladly accepted to be the patron of our association in August 2021.